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The Clinch #16-The Dutch Way

For the first time on The Clinch, we showcase video technique demonstrations to highlight our discussion of adapting Dutch kickboxing to beat taller opponents. We analyze how Glory’s Dutch lightweight champion, Robin Van Roosmalen, avenged his KO loss to the unorthodox Andy ''The Machine'' Ristie by overcoming a massive size disadvantage.

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Episode timeline:

Introduction- 00:00 Roosmalen's Loss During First Fight 3:47 Ristie's Fighting Style 4:19 Rhythm Changes 15:15 *Video Breakdown of the First Match 20:30 Analysis of the Second Fight 24:10 Ristie's Switch Stance 27:43 The Cardio Factor 36:22 Aggressive Counter Fighting 38:50 Importance of a Head Coach 41:11 *Video Breakdown of the Second Match 43:06 Wrap up and Conclusions 53:12

Videos discussed on the show:

Robin Van Roosmalen vs. Andy Ristie II (Glory 20: Dubai)

Robin Van Roosmalen vs. Andy Ristie I (Glory 12: New York)

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